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The World of JS
Hamburg 2014


Ms JS needed some changes in her interiors to make the environment more cozy and inviting. Here are some sketches that were made to inspire her with her interiors.


These 3D-models are made with SketchUp.

Helsinki 2014


Meido-Kan is a martial arts club in Vallila Helsinki. The organization running this club needed a couple of ideas for a quick face-lift.


These 3D-models are made with SketchUp.

Kuopio Academy of Design 2013

cafeSAVOTTAmicro is a students' cafe located in Technopolis Kuopio. As a part of researchal studies customers' needs were in the main role.


For the students' Union's Cafe three different solution were made. Two of the consepts were based on the already excisting cafe and the third solution was built with new restaurant equipment.


Project is a teamwork with Petra Rautaparta, Paula Turpeinen and Saara Heikkinen.

Kuopio Academy of Design 2013

Cinemaroom was a part of Maker's House project. While planning interiors to an old villa one storageroom with no windows was supposed to turn into a negotiationroom. With some changes the room turned into cinemaroom, which offers the possibility for a video-negotiation.


Concept was a teamwork of Anni Mykkänen, Sofia Fagerlund, Roosa Verkasalo, Petra Rautaparta and Madlen Loser.

Apartment facelift
Kuopio Academy of Design 2013

An apartment in Niirala Kuopio needed a renewal for the kitchen and livingroom. The wall between these two rooms was removed and the interiors were renovated.


Design was created as a teamwork with Tiina Järvinen and Hanna-Mari Koponen.

Breakfast Bar
Kuopio Academy of Design 2012
Breakfast Bar Yömiäinen was created as part of City Planning Studies to apply changes in the fassade structions.
Shoppingmall Vinge
Kuopio Academy of Design 2012

Shoppingmall Vinge was a project of imaginary shopping center located in a scandinavian capital. Structural solutions played a big role in the project and special attention was paid to the locations of the business premises in the shopping center.

Kuopio Academy of Design 2012

CUBE-house is a project of imaginary students' appartment located in Kuopio, Eastern Finland. Appartment is a cube of 5m*5m*5m.


Special attention was paid to the structural solutions of the materials.



Corridors in Hatsala Upper elementary School
Kuopio Academy of Design 2011

Three concepts were designed to the corridors in Hatsala Upper Elementary School in Kuopio. Principal's office and class rooms are located to the corridor.


Concepts were created as a teamwork with Sofia Fagerlund, Roosa Verkasalo and Tiina Järvinen.

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